SysCon is pleased to announce the two panels for 2015.
SysCon 2015 will have a Tuesday panel on the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge.
Time: Tuesday, April 14 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Description: This panel session will provide a brief overview of the systems engineering body of knowledge (SEBoK;; review the ways in which SEBoK is being used and the usage statistics; and present the evolution, current status, and future of SEBOK. The role of SEBoK within the larger context of systems engineering will be emphasized: the relationship of SEBoK to the reference curriculum for systems engineering (GRCSE;; the software engineering body of knowledge (SWEBOK; the systems engineering handbook, and ISO/IEEE Standard 15288.
- Dick Fairley, IEEE Computer Society (panel chair)
- Massood Towhidnejad, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
- Rick Adcock, Cranfield University
- David Olwell, Naval Postgraduate School
- Garry Roedler, Lockheed Martin
The National Science Foundation and NASA will present a thorough, diversified panel on the Theory of Systems Engineering. This is a discussion you won't want to miss!
Time: Wednesday, April 15 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Description: In November, 2014, the National Science Foundation sponsored a workshop to explore the beginnings of a comprehensive theoretical framework that might underpin the practice of systems engineering. Due to the breadth of systems engineering, such a foundation must be built on theories from such social science fields as economics, social psychology, and organizations, in addition to math, physical science and engineering fields. Therefore, the workshop pulled together academics and practitioners from a wide variety of disciplines to identify foundations and explore interconnections, culminating in a research agenda for the science of systems engineering. This panel presentation will discuss the findings from the workshop and speculate on where this work might lead.
- Anna-Maria R McGowan, NASA Langley Research Center & Aeronautics Research Directorate
- Paul Collopy, University of Alabama in Huntsville
- Christiaan Paredis, National Science Foundation
- Timothy Simpson, Pennsylvania State University